Do you want to make money on Facebook? If your answer is yes, then you must read this blog. Nowadays anyone can make money on Facebook. To generate income on Facebook, you just need to be a little bit technical. Today we are going to discuss how to make money from Facebook in this blog post. So keep reading this informative blog post.
01. Facebook monetization
At first, let’s talk about Facebook monetization. There are three types of platforms where you can monetize your content with Facebook ads.
- Facebook for creators
- Facebook audience network
- Facebook instant articles
You can easily make money with these platforms. Now we are going to make you understand the whole process in details.
Facebook for creators
If you have a Facebook page with 10,000 followers, then you can make money on Facebook by participating in Facebook for creators program. All you will have to do is share your own videos on your Facebook page. When you will have 30,000 one minute views on all your videos, Facebook will give you the chance to participate in Facebook for creators program.
To get monetization approval, you will have to visit Facebook for creators and apply for Facebook In-Stream Ads for your Facebook page. If Facebook monetization team thinks that your page is ready to participate in Facebook for creators program, then they will approve your appeal.
Wherever your video will be played, Facebook will place In-Stream Ads into the video. But make sure that each of your Facebook videos’ length is more than 3 minutes. Because if your video is less than 3 minutes, then Facebook will not show any ads on your video.
Facebook audience network
Facebook audience network is for app developers. If you have a mobile application which is created by you. Then you can easily make money on Facebook. Applying process is totally same as Facebook for creators program.
Facebook instant articles
If you have a website, you can make money on Facebook from instant articles. You need to visit Facebook audience network to submit an appeal so that you may be able to make money with your existing website from instant articles.
But before applying for an instant article monetization request, you must have a page on Facebook and your Facebook page must have at least 10,000 followers to get the approval for the monetization. Once you have got the approval you can make money with it.
You will post article link from your site on Facebook. Facebook will attach an advertisement to it. When somebody will click on that post link for reading your article, an advertisement will be shown and you will get money for showing the advertisement.
02. E-Commerce business
There are several ways to make money from Facebook. Ecommerce business can be done by opening pages on Facebook. You can make a huge amount of money with your E-Commerce product. You can sale your online product through your Facebook page or Facebook group.
Just you need to add a huge number of people in your Facebook page or group. For adding a huge number of people on your Facebook page or group, you will have to do little bit publicity for your Facebook page or group.
You may sell any types of products like girls’ dresses, gift items, software etc. All you need is a small investment, particular product selection, product delivery management system, marketing. The combination of these factors can help you to grow your Facebook E-commerce business.

03. Product affiliation
There are many popular income sources in global today, Affiliate marketing is one of them. You may use Facebook to make a huge amount of money from product affiliate marketing. All you will have to do is find the particular and trustable companies on the internet.
Then you will have to find the particular product that you want to sell through the affiliate links. The most trustable companies in the world are Amazon and Aliexpress. You may promote their product and make money from product affiliation. The most popular products that people buy on Facebook are-
- Clothing
- Tools and Accessories
- Mobile
- Beauty products
- Electrical Instruments
04. Hosting affiliation
You can make a huge amount of money from hosting affiliation. Now the question may come into mind what is hosting? Actually, hosting is a service where the database of a website is stored.
If someone wants to make a website, then he has to purchase web hosting. So, you will have to find those people on Facebook who are interested in creating a website. Then choose a particular company for participating in hosting affiliation.
All you will have to do is generate an affiliate link from your selected company and share the affiliate link with the potential customers who are about to buy web hosting. If someone buys a web hosting clicking on your affiliate link, then you will make money for the sale.
In the below, we will provide you with a list of best web hosting company. You can make up to $65 USD – $200 USD for per sale. However, hosting affiliation can not be taken as a career. Because regular income will not be possible from hosting affiliation.
Best web hosting companies for hosting affiliation-
- Bluehost
- Inmotion
- WPEngine
- Hostgator
- Hostinger
- Namecheap
- Green Geeks
- Godaddy
05. Promote local business
Local business is now using Facebook marketing to enriches any business profile. From the restaurant business to fashion business and other businesses, business owners are using Facebook for marketing. You can make a huge amount of money by doing local business marketing.
For this, you need a page or group with a healthy number of members who are regularly active. To make money from this method, all you will have to do is contact those local business owners who are interested to pay you for promoting their business on your Facebook group or page. You can make a huge amount of money from your Facebook page or group only by promoting local business.
Dear reader, we have come to the end of this informative blog post. We hope, this blog post was helpful for you to learn about 5 legit ways to make money on Facebook. If you liked this blog post and if the blog post has benefited you, then please don’t forget to leave your valuable comment about this blog post below. Thank you for sharing your valuable time. If you haven’t subscribed to our website yet, then please don’t forget to subscribe to our website. Thanks in advance for subscribing our website. And you are most welcome to our next blog post.