What is the first sign of cataract? How long does cataract surgery take?

What is the first sign of cataract? How long does cataract surgery take?
What is the first sign of cataract? How long does cataract surgery take?

Do you want to know what is the first sign of Cataract disease and how long does cataract surgery take? Then this blog is for you. We have explained easily.

What is a Cataract disease?

As much as Like the lens of the camera, there is also a lens inside our eyes. By narrowing and stretching, we can see clearly a thing from a particular distance. When this lens becomes opaque, we see blurred vision and sometimes even notice nothing. So, the opacification of the lens of the eye which leads to blurred vision or a decrease in vision is known as Cataract disease. Most people in old age become blind because of cataract disease. Keep in mind that this blindness is not permanent. So the patient will be cured when he is treated properly.

Sometimes a newborn baby can also face this problem.  But in most cases, the disease is seen in the old age of people. The disease can usually be seen at the age of 45-50 years old people. Whatever your age is if you have taken the proper treatment, then surely you will overcome this problem.

Signs of Cataract disease

If you find the following signs in the patient, then he may be suffering from Cataract disease. So, as soon as possible take him to an eye specialist.

  1. The first sign is blurred vision may appear in the eye.
  2. Sometimes the patient can not see in darkness.
  3. Eyes become sensitive when watching a brighter light.
  4. The patient may watch a double vision on a single eye.

Causes of Cataract disease

There are several reasons for Cataract disease. But the following reasons below are the major reasons to have this problem with the eyes.

  1. Sometimes, sudden eye injury may cause Cataract disease.
  2. It may appear on a newborn baby as a genetic disorder.
  3. Sometimes eye surgery also may cause Cataract disease.
  4. The use of steroid medications for a long time also can be the reason for this disease.
  5. If diabetes patients are in unregulated blood sugar, then the chance of this disease is very high.
  6. Due to radiation, because of chemicals on an eye or even getting shocked by the electricity can be a for that disease.
  7. Increasing age is one of the reasons to have Cataract disease in the eyes.

Prevention of Cataract disease

It can’t be said that you can prevent Cataract disease by taking any steps. Nobody can guarantee on that matter. But the doctors’ thinking is that there are several strategies that can help you a little bit to prevent Cataract disease.

  1. To prevent Cataract disease, you may visit the hospital regularly to check your eyes. If any problems in your eyes are found, it will be easy for you to take an initial step.
  2. If you smoke regularly, then try to avoid smoking. Because, if you already have got this problem, then smoking will have the chance to make this problem more critical.
  3. If you have a diabetes problem, then try to maintain the sugar level of your blood.
  4. Whatever you are eating or drinking, make sure that you are getting many vitamins and nutrients from the food and liquid. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins. Taking vitamins regularly can solve your problem. If you are about to take antioxidants in pills, then do not take pills. Because only fresh vitamins can prevent this problem.
  5. When you are going out, try to wear sunglasses. Because sunglasses will block different types of radiation to reach your eyes.
  6. If you are an alcoholic, then leave this habit right now. Otherwise, you won’t be able to prevent Cataract disease.

Treatment of Cataract and how long does cataract surgery take?

The treatment of cataracts must be done by an ophthalmologist. In the early stage of the disease, black eyes or sunglasses improve the patient’s eyesight, and the use of atropine drops improves the condition.

But when the cataract is mature, the operation is the only treatment. Cataract surgery usually takes 30 to 45 minutes. After the surgery, there is no risk and you can go home on the same day. If the lens of the eye is operated on, then the patient can get back the clear vision of eyes again. Modern surgery like phaco surgery has made the treatment easier, hassle-free, and most reliable treatment.


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