How to Make Money on YouTube – Make First $1000 on YouTube

How to make money on YouTube
How to make money on YouTube

Do you want to make money on YouTube? Obviously, you want. That’s why you are reading this blog post. As you want to make money on YouTube, you must have at least a YouTube channel with 20,000 subscribers. Because these subscribers of your YouTube channel will be converted to regular views and these views will be converted to money.

So if you want to make money with these methods, you must have an established channel with at least 20,000 subscribers. If you are new on YouTuber, then you must grow your channel at first to make money with these methods. To learn about how to grow on YouTube fast, you may read the blog below. This blog post will guide you on how to grow a YouTube channel fast and get unlimited subscribers for free.

Blog: How to Grow a YouTube Channel Fast

There are several ways to make money on YouTube. Today I am going to discuss some real ways that actually work. And most of the popular YouTubers are using these methods to make money on YouTube.

01. Monetize with YouTube Partner Program

It is one of the best money-making methods that all YouTubers are following at the starting of a YouTube career. If you already know about this method and applied this method on your YouTube channel, then skip reading and go for the second method. And if you don’t know about this method, then keep reading.

To make money with this method, you need to enable monetization. For enabling monetization, your channel must have 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers. As your channel is well established and you have at least 20,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel. Then you must monetize your channel with YouTube Partner Program.

Now the question may come into mind that what is the YouTube Partner Program? YouTube is allowing the popular content creators to monetize their uploaded videos on YouTube with Google ads and whatever the video creator earns, 55% of the revenue is shared with the video publisher. That’s how this method works. To enable monetization, follow this direction below-

Click on Profile icon > YouTube Studio > monetization > Enable.

You are done. Within 2-4 weeks, YouTube will approve your application if any policy violation is not found by the YouTube Monetization team. After getting approved by the YouTube monetization team, you will be watching that ads are being started to show on your YouTube channel. And you are generating money YouTube video for showing Google ads. When you will reach a minimum of $100 threshold, YouTube will pay you on the 10th day of each month.

How much do YouTubers make using this method?

Actually, the earning totally depends on the performance of the video on a variety of factors like the number of views on the YouTube video, CPC rate of the advertisements that were played on the video, advertisement quality, video length and ad-blocking functionalities.

Depending on all the factors, YouTube pays an average of $.01 USD to $.03 USD for per ad click from the visitors of anywhere in the world. Generally, this is the lowest CPC rate in 2020 till now. But in some cases, the CPC can be more than $.20 for per click on the advertisements. It totally depends on the bidding rate of the advertisers.

02. Content affiliate program

Most of the YouTubers think that they can only make money on Youtube by showing the ads of Google. But this is not the appropriate thinking. There are several ways to make money on Youtube. Content Affiliate Programme is one of these methods. You can make a huge amount of money with this method.

Now let me tell you what is Content Affiliate Program? It is one kind of affiliate programme that helps advertisers to get traffic on their content through your YouTube video. As a publisher you will have to promote their business by recommending an affiliate link into the description box of your YouTube video, they will pay you for the promotion that you have done on your YouTube video. Now let me tell you one thing. With this type of affiliate program, you will surely earn. I will make you understand the whole process of the Content Affiliate Program in the below.

To make money with this method, you will have to find a content affiliate network where the content affiliate program exists. Don’t worry I will provide you with a link of a content affiliate network in the below. And also, I will guide you with the proper instructions on how to create an account on the content affiliate network.

Before creating an account on the content affiliate program, you need to know how the system actually works. Simply you will have to share affiliate link into the description box of your YouTube video and Facebook video or in a blog. If people click on your shared affiliate link, you will earn a commission from every click which is called PPC (Pay Per Click). Also, you will earn a commission from the CPM rate which is declared by the advertisers and you will generate revenue from each successful sale of the product that was promoted on the affiliate landing page. So using this method, you can make 2-3 times more than the first method.

If you want to join a content affiliate program, then you may join our official content affiliate program. To join our content affiliate program, follow the instructions below-

Step-1: How to sign up for a content affiliate account

At first, visit Content Affiliate under the Services menu. Then scroll down and read about the revenue making methods and also the level upgrading process.

Now scroll up. You will get a button named on Publishers Area like the above image. Click on the button. You will be redirected to Sign In page.

In the below of the Sign In form, you will get a link of signing up. Click on the Sign Up link. You will be redirected to the Sign Up page.

You will get a form like the above image. Simply submit your details in the blank fields of the form and click on the register button. That’s all. You are successfully registered. But before signing up for an account, you must read the terms and condition carefully which will be given at the left side of sign up form. Now return back to the Sign In page and submit your account details to log in to the content affiliate account.

After signing in, you will get an interface like the above image. By default, you will get a bonus of 100 ADC. ADC (AD Credit) rate will be given in the account dashboard. In 2020 the price of 100 ADC is $1 USD. You will receive your earnings on the 10th day of each month if your account has reached the minimum threshold of 3,000 ADC.

Step-2: How to generate an affiliate link and make money with the affiliate link

It’s super easy to create an affiliate link. Simply copy the recommended post link under marketing area and generate an affiliate link using the copied post link. To make money from the generated affiliate link, you will have to share the affiliate link on YouTube video description, Facebook video description or own website. Now I am going to make you understand the whole process step by step.

At first, log into the content affiliate account dashboard. Under Marketing menu, click on Video Publisher Area. You will get some recommended post link like the above image. Choose one of the posts that you have already decided to promote on your YouTube video description. Then copy the link.

After copying the link, scroll down to the bottom. You will get a blank field named on Specific Website Page. Paste your copied link in the blank field and click on the Generate Link button.

After clicking on the Generate Link button, your affiliate link will be generated. In the above image, you are watching that a link has been generated into the deep green field. That’s the generated affiliate link. Simply you will have to copy the link and share the link into the description box of your YouTube video. If someone clicks on your generated affiliate link, then you will make money from the clicks, views and each successful sale.

How much do YouTubers make using this method?

This method contains two types of income. One is initial income and the other is sales income. Initial income comes from the PPC rate and CPM rate. And the sales income comes from each successful sale of the product that was promoted on the landing page.

Now let me make this conception totally clear. If your level is basic, then you will make $1 USD for per 2000 clicks on the content affiliate link whereas the PPC rate for the basic level user is .05 ADC. Also, you will make $1 USD from the CPM rate for those 2000 clicks on the content affiliate link if the visitors landed on the webpage properly.

So in total, your initial income from the 2000 clicks will be $2 USD. To get the highest CPM rate, make sure that the visitors that are clicking on the affiliate link on your YouTube video description must stay on the landing page at least for 2 minutes. This types of affiliate network share the sales revenue equally to all the publisher if the landing page that was referred by the publishers contained the same affiliate advertisement.

03. Promote a membership site

The third best method to make money from a YouTube channel is Patreon or promoting a membership site. If your channel has 20,000 to 30000 subscribers, then it is the best way to make a huge amount of money from this method. Simply you just need to find out those websites that want to promote their business on your YouTube channel. Actually, it is almost similar to the content affiliate program.

How much do YouTubers make using this method?

The earnings from this method totally depend on the spending budget of the site owners who are about to promote their business through your YouTube channel. As most of the time, the site owners try to pay YouTubers a small commission for promoting their service. The only reason behind is that there are so many YouTubers who are always ready to do this type of promotion at a cheap rate. So, therefore it’s hard to make a big amount of revenue with this method.

04. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways that can help you to generate income on YouTube. All you will have to do is promote the products of companies on your YouTube video and share the affiliate link into the description box of YouTube video. You may join in Amazon or Alibaba to participate in the affiliate program. Also, there are several affiliate networks. But among all the affiliate networks, Amazon and Alibaba are the best and trustable.

How much do YouTubers make using this method?

You need to keep in mind that income from this method totally depends on the sales from the affiliate link. If no sale is generated through the affiliate link, then you will not make any revenue for promoting the product or sharing the affiliate link. So, to get the highest benefit from affiliate marketing, try to give a review of the product at the end of the video. As a result, people will learn about the product quality and they are going to purchase the product by clicking on the affiliate link that you shared into the video description box area.

05. Sponsorships or Brand Deals

Now the final method that I am going to discuss is sponsorships or brand deals. Sponsorships and brand deals are another great opportunity to make money from YouTube videos. For getting sponsorship of a company, you don’t need a big YouTube channel to get sponsorship. People have this kind of misconception that they need a big channel to achieve sponsorships from a particular company. To get a sponsorship from a company, you need to contact those companies that are searching for small YouTubers to promote their product or business through a particular YouTube channel.

How much do YouTubers make using this method?

Actually, the earnings from this method totally depend on the quality of sponsorship. If you have got the sponsorship of a big company, then it may be possible to make a big amount from the sponsorship. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make a big amount. But at the beginning of a YouTube career, it is very hard to get sponsorship of a big company. So my suggestion is that whatever profit you make from small companies, try to take the sponsorship of the small companies. As a result, at the end of the month, your channel will generate a healthy amount from those small sponsorships.


Dear reader, we have come to the end of this informative blog post. I hope this blog post was helpful for you to learn about the best ways to make money on YouTube. If you follow the above methods and apply these methods properly, then I can guarantee you that your YouTube channel will help you to generate healthy revenue at the end of a month. If you liked this blog post and if the blog post has benefited you, then please don’t forget to leave your valuable comment and rating about this blog post in the below. Thank you for sharing your valuable time. If you haven’t subscribed to our website yet, then please don’t forget to subscribe to our website. Thanks in advance for subscribing to our website. And you are most welcome to our next blog post.

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